Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Change in Dance Moms

So how many of you have been glued to your seats every Tuesday night for the past 4 years watching the latest episode of Dance Moms? I know that used to be me! At first I began watching for the girls dancing and their passion for the sport but after a while, I became engulfed in all the mama drama that went on throughout the season. After girls began to leave the group is it when I realized that this show had changed so much and I had gotten hooked on unnecessary drama that meant nothing. The show has changed so much from when they first started to where they are now.
New moms, new girls and even the old cast members seem new. At some point the show changed from being all about the girls and dance to being all about the moms and who could cause the most drama with Ms. Abby and the other mothers. The 10-12 year old girls look like they're 15 with the amount of makeup that they wear on a daily basis and they're constantly being ridiculed by their dance teacher. The dance teacher is supposed to be someone who these little girls look up to, not someone who is constantly putting them down and choosing favorites. The fact that a lot of these little girls have lost their passion for dance because they're constantly showing up to dance class and being belittled while having to listen to all their mothers argue about their talent level just breaks my heart. It should be about dancing for them, not who can be the best to please their mothers and their teacher.
These moms have reached a whole new level. With the focus less on the girls and more on the moms, they've been causing fights, screaming and yelling at each other at dance competitions as well as throwing drinks at each other in public streets. The behavior that you have began to see in the show is completely outrageous and it's not something that I would want to have on public television for the whole entire world to see if I were them. So many people have shown so much support for this show, so the mothers and the producers have continued to add more drama and focus less on the girls unless they're crying or throwing a fit and to me thats not ok. This show was made to be about dancing and suddenly I'm no longer seeing that.

Word Count: 416 words

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