Brittany Maynard, 29 decided to end her life on her own thanks to Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act. She died peacefully on Saturday after deciding to take a fatal dose of barbiturates prescribed by her doctor when her pain became to much. Maynard made headlines when she went public with her plan to die on her own terms.
Brittany was diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma and was given only 6 months to live as of last spring. Maynard received a lot of positive feedback when her decision went public, but some people weren’t as supportive. Brittany commented to the criticism by saying “My glioblastoma is going to kill me and that’s out of my control, but being able to go with dignity is a lot less terrifying.”
Brittany Maynard has been communicating with fans about her condition through a personal website that she set up. She shared with people the reasons why she went public about her whole situation. She told everyone that she didn’t go public because she wanted attention, the reason she went public was to make people aware of the Death With Dignity act, because she wants to see a world where everyone has the choice that she had. She tells fans that that choice is what has made her journey through all of this easier.
Up until her very last days, Maynard was able to live her life to the very fullest. In late October, she and her family traveled up to the Grand Canyon to take one last family vacation together. Brittany did end up suffering from a seizure on the trip, but that didn’t stop her from sharing every detail with all of her fans. She became very vocal in telling each and every one of them her dream that every terminally ill person in America having the right to die with dignity and she encouraged all of her fans to help and make her dream a reality.
Brittany Maynard was an incredibly outstanding woman with hopes and dreams just like anyone else and unfortunately hers ended way to short. Her last weeks she spent so much time advocating for her purpose of having everyone able to choose to end their life if they want to and although she wasn’t able to accomplish that while she was living, it’s a dream of hers that all of her fans can help to make a reality for everyone in the future that wishes to make that choice.
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