Sunday, December 7, 2014

Trouble in Kardashian Paradise

What’s up with the Kardashian’s and all of their relationship troubles? First Khloe and Lamar then Kris and Bruce and now Kourtney and longtime beau Scott Disick and on the rocks. 
As many of you probably know Scott Disick has a major drinking problem (I mean it’s not like he tries to hide it) and if you’ve ever seen the hit TV show Keeping up with the Kardashians, you know that Kourtney Kardashian has always done whatever she can to get Scott to grow up and take responsibility. You also probably know that time after time Scott continues to break the many promises that he makes to Kourtney to keep her and his two soon to be three children in his life. If I was Kourtney, I would be long gone by now, but somehow she manages to stay because she wants to keep Scott in their children’s lives.
Over the past 6 months, he’s broken the two biggest promises that he made to Kourtney. Back in June, Kourtney sent him to rehab in hopes that he would get clean and be able to be apart of their family, especially with a new baby on the way. Unfortunately that fantasy was short lived as Disick left rehab after having been there for only 5 days. After coming back from rehab, he made yet another promise to Kourtney that he wouldn’t drink until after their third child was born, but that was quickly broken when he was spotted chugging cocktails at a party in the fall.
So how many times can Scott “slip up” before he loses Kourtney for good? According to inside sources, Kourtney has decided that if Scott doesn’t fulfill her ultimatum and clean up his act, she plans to leave him come the new year. Might I say, good for you Kourtney! There’s only so much that one person can take before it becomes to much and from what they’ve explained on the show as well as in tabloids, Scott has messed up quite a bit and doesn’t seem to be learning from his experiences. 

My belief is that he doesn’t actually believe that if he doesn’t sober up, Kourtney will really leave him. Maybe what he really needs is for it to happen so he can see that she was serious. What is it people say? You never realize what you have until it’s gone? If Scott can only see the greatness that Kourtney and his children bring to his life, then maybe he wouldn’t be so quick to take them for granted. 

Word Count: 426

Bill Cosby Allegations

            As many of you probably have heard, Bill Cosby has been slammed recently for the accusations that he has been molesting girls for years now. All it took was for one girl to come forward, and now, it seems that every day there is a new girl stepping forward to add to the accusations. Now, Cosby’s entire world is crashing down for him and his family as he steps up to face these allegations.

            Bill Cosby is continually denying the allegations against him that he repeatedly drugged and molested young women who came to him seeking guidance about their career. But no matter how much Cosby denies it, that doesn’t stop these accusations from taking their toll on his reputation as well as his wallet. I know that when I got my weekly issue of People magazine and saw this story headlined on the cover, I was absolutely stunned. As a girl, I look at stories like this and it reminds me how bad some people in the world can be.

            Although Cosby is denying everything, the number of girls coming forward saying they were drugged and assaulted in astronomical and totaling up against Cosby. There comes a point when you can’t believe that that many girls would risk everything and lie about this. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just doesn’t feel to me that it’s something that that many girls would make up. There have always sorts of stories about Bill Cosby around for years, but it wasn’t until women began to come forward that people looked at Cosby in a new light.

            There are so many sides to Cosby’s story and so many people that believe he is innocent and others who strongly believe he’s guilty. I suppose that instead of jumping to conclusions, no matter how much we want to believe he is guilty of the crimes he’s accused of, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. I know that many people have already come up with a verdict for Cosby in their minds, our law states that “everyone is innocent unless proven guilty,” and I believe that we need to step back from our own accusations and wait for the evidence.

            With the “evidence” that has come to the table, things look a little bleak for Bill Cosby. Already 22 women have come forward saying that they are victims of Bill Cosby and it is said there are many more out there. And although it looks bleak, I ask you guys to just not jump to conclusions and wait because who knows, no matter how guilty he looks right now, what if he ends up being innocent?

Word Count: 441