Bill Cosby
is continually denying the allegations against him that he repeatedly drugged
and molested young women who came to him seeking guidance about their career.
But no matter how much Cosby denies it, that doesn’t stop these accusations
from taking their toll on his reputation as well as his wallet. I know that
when I got my weekly issue of People magazine and saw this story headlined on
the cover, I was absolutely stunned. As a girl, I look at stories like this and
it reminds me how bad some people in the world can be.
Cosby is denying everything, the number of girls coming forward saying they
were drugged and assaulted in astronomical and totaling up against Cosby. There
comes a point when you can’t believe that that many girls would risk everything
and lie about this. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just doesn’t feel to me that it’s
something that that many girls would make up. There have always sorts of
stories about Bill Cosby around for years, but it wasn’t until women began to
come forward that people looked at Cosby in a new light.
There are
so many sides to Cosby’s story and so many people that believe he is innocent
and others who strongly believe he’s guilty. I suppose that instead of jumping
to conclusions, no matter how much we want to believe he is guilty of the
crimes he’s accused of, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. I know that
many people have already come up with a verdict for Cosby in their minds, our
law states that “everyone is innocent unless proven guilty,” and I believe that
we need to step back from our own accusations and wait for the evidence.
With the “evidence”
that has come to the table, things look a little bleak for Bill Cosby. Already
22 women have come forward saying that they are victims of Bill Cosby and it is
said there are many more out there. And although it looks bleak, I ask you guys
to just not jump to conclusions and wait because who knows, no matter how
guilty he looks right now, what if he ends up being innocent?
Word Count: 441
Leonard Pitts has written about the Cosby situation. You should read it! (Miami Herald, Leonard Pitts, Cosby)